public function setup() { ... $this->dispatcher->connect('request.filter_parameters', array($this, 'filterRequestParameters')); } public function filterRequestParameters(sfEvent $event, $parameters) { $request = $event->getSubject(); if(preg_match('#^(?!.*iPad).*(Mobile|Jasmine|Symbian|NetFront|BlackBerry|Opera Mini|Opera Mobi).*$#i', $request->getHttpHeader('User-Agent'))) { $request->setRequestFormat('mobile'); } return $parameters; }That's all. Now you have to create the mobile version of your layout (, your templates (ex., your partials (ex. Then you can try to open your site with your mobile, or you can use an emulator like Opera Mobile Emulator.
ps: you can use the $request->getRequestFormat() in an action which returns with "mobile".
ps2: Useful urls:
How to create an optimized version of your website for the iPhone in symfony 1.1
WebMozarts - Creating mobile symfony sites
Symfony users - mobile site strategy